Wednesday, October 28, 2009

One of the biggest perks of San Francisco is the public transportation. Never again do I have to worry about too many drinks and a long way home. I just hop on the L Owl and get off at my flat. But for some reason I always decide to go home around 12:30, and the Owl usually doesn't start making its rounds until after 2. So I sit on a curb at Church and Market, talk with homeless people and try to kill time/not fall asleep. I keep a nice stash of paint pens in my bag, and every now and then I drunkenly draw a quick little picture on the rail, or on the sidewalk. Usually hands, feet and weather rub it away within a couple of weeks, but this little guy has been hanging out for over a month now. Its permanence makes me feel bad for contributing to the wave of shitty paint pen graffiti, but it makes me happy that it is there (though it is kind of sad). Part of me really hopes that it is gone so I can draw something happier next time.

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